Apr 28, 2005 01:08
As harsh as it may sound, it really does. I went to go take that idiotic math placement test for ISU, and in order to be placed in a math class that counts for credit, you need to get a score of 42 on the algebra section. Of course I scored a 40 and was only two points off, soI can only retake it one more time. I better not fuck this one up, otherwise I swear I'm giving up and going to COD...maybe I could become a plumber or truck driver of some sort. Besides the fact that I didn't pass the test, Julia, Kelly, and I got lost on our way to Sugar Grove, used just about every profanity known to man, turned around at least fifteen times, and almost went off the road. The test started at 11AM, and we pulled into a parking spot at 11:05. Panicked, we rushed out of the car and couldn't find the right door to go into. We decided to trespass into the fenced off, caution taped, active construction site in order to find our way. We were sprinting past all of the workers as they blared horns at us to tell us to get out, but we just ran faster through all the chaos. When we finally approached the door we were supposed to go in, it was blockaded by the workers. Hence, the journey began all over again with us sprinting back to where we started, hurdling over equipment and running past the screaming workers, as we were taken over by rebellion, all while holding our TI-83 plus calculators. It was really a sad sight to see....
P.S. Billie Joe Armstrong (lead singer of Green Day) is in my car! You all need to see him, especially you my sweet sweet La-hee-uh!!!