Jan 27, 2004 16:55
well today was pretti fun.. exept for the part that olivia got mad at me for no reason.. o wait i kno what it is.. because i like someone she does.. biGg woop!! shes saying its because of things that we got into a fight bout earlier.. but i know it really isn't.. she doesn't CoNtRoL me.. i can like whoever the hell i want to.. and SHE can't do ANYTHING about it.. :D
well other then that.. today was fun.. exept for the meap.. i hope i do good.. but i kno i'm going to fail the social studies one because i never payed attention :O what reallii sucked bout today.. is that i didn't feel to well..
well i'll update tomorrow..
wahoo!! 5 dayys babii till meh b-day!!
<33 MeE