May 22, 2011 03:10

So, I've been home for about a week, but then we've been busy getting ready to move, so yeah. Lots of sorting and picking out things to not let the packers touch. They come on Monday. Yay.

I have been wasting time by rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender for no real reason, although I could say I'm gearing up for the Legend of Korra. I should probably be watching the three Doctor Who episodes we have DVRed, since that's going away soon, but what can you do?

Also, I forgot about how the singing hippies are the greatest characters ever.

In other news, I finally sat down and played all the way through Okami. I've had the game for a while, but I got sidetracked pretty shortly after I began playing. So this week I stole the playstation and finished it up. Beautiful game and very fun to play.

Not too far into the game, you come across this place called Sasa Sanctuary, which is basically an inn run by sparrows who may or may not be the mafia (and no, that's not the strangest thing you'll come across in this game). And in one room of the inn you'll find a sparrow servant saying that a hunter who saved her when she was little is staying here as a guest and she has to make sure he gets everything he wants. If you talk to the hunter, he'll mention that he feels like he's getting special treatment and will wonder if he's being rewarded for when he saved a sparrow as a kid.

And I thought this was really sweet, so, uh, I wrote this little fic, possibly breaking some record about writing for extremely minor characters and coming up with creative titles. Yeah, I don't even know.

This has been a pretty slow writing year for me. I need to find myself a fandom I want to fic for.

never too old for video games, real life or something, fandom

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