I have stolen this fanfic-related meme from
daigranon. I had a lot of fun with this. I like going back to examine my own writing.
~ The 14-Sentence Meme ~
Rules: go through your fanfiction and pick 14 of your favourite sentences that you have written. They can be from different fics or the same one. Post the 14 sentences here, and comment on why you chose them. Have your f-list comment and spread the word!
1. Kyouya decided very quickly that unrequited [love, lust, curiosity, distraction] did not suit him at all.
2. He touches her as often as Tamaki or the twins these days, though he is far more discreet about it.
3. Slightly miffed at being ignored for the sake of the bread aisle, Kyouya prodded, “You’re not the least bit curious what I might have said about you in relation to my mental health?”
4. “Yes, I decided your presence would be detrimental to the healing process of the other patients.”
5. “Hey, Takashi. She’s gonna break all our hearts, huh?”
6. He seemed to be angry at everything these days; there was a roiling and irritated heat behind all of his actions.
7. She still behaved far too comfortably in his company.
8. And Haruhi finds ignorance easier.
9. But Barney’s breathing is a little uneven, and his face is a little flushed, and he’s still looking at her like she’s as awesome as he says she is.
10. She had abandoned her bottled water for something a little stronger by now and was wearing a slightly defensive expression that clearly said, ‘the bride is drunk off her ass; the bridesmaid can be a little tipsy if she wants.’
11. The second hand rounds the twelve again and you blurt out, “I don’t want to have kids,” because it’s Barney and you don’t have to pretend to be anything other than scared as hell.
12. “Barney, I think letting a kid sleep in that bed violates some law about corrupting a minor.”
13. A Scherbatsky-Stinson spawn would have, like, the awesomest DNA on the planet, though.
14. They spend the next twenty minutes dubbing over a Spanish soap opera with their own inappropriate dialogue and laughing at each others’ over-the-top accents.
1. From And Thus, Kyouya Hates Her. This was the fic where I hit my stride. It’s one of the first I was truly proud of, and even looking back, I’m still really happy with it. This is the opening line, and I still like how it sets the Kyouya-ish tone and introduces the repeated bit in the brackets.
2. Also from And Thus, Kyouya Hates Her. It was the first line I came up with and was based on how I began shipping Kyouya/Haruhi by noticing the times Kyouya subtly and unnecessarily touches her.
3. From Getting His Head Shrunk. Often times, my fics begin with a vague idea in my head and a couple specific lines, and when I think of enough of these lines, I finally sit down and write the fic. This is one of those lines.
4. Also from Getting His Head Shrunk. This began as a throwaway line, because I needed another silly section between two plot-related ones. I was happy enough with the line, but I’m still surprised at how popular it was with people who read the fic.
5. From Patterns in Properties. Technically, there’s two periods, but I still think it’s really one line. Another line that was the inspiration for the entire fic it’s in. I like writing Hani-sempai’s clever/serious side. He’s surprisingly pensive when he’s not rotting your teeth.
6. From Linger. It’s probably obvious that I’m fascinated with Kyouya. For all that he is the straight man, the calm voice in the sea of chaos, we’re frequently shown how much barely suppressed rage he keeps below the surface. Since this fic dealt with a considerably more disillusioned Kyouya, I figured that anger would be worse than ever.
7. Also from Linger. I like Haruhi a lot, but I’m rarely brave enough to write from her perspective. Instead, I analyze her through other characters’ eyes. This is a bit of that I liked. I believe Haruhi, along with being oblivious to the unrequited love around her, would also be oblivious to the implications of maintaining close relationships with her male friends after marriage, because she wouldn’t see any reason to treat them differently.
8. From Willful Ignorance. My one attempt at writing from Haruhi’s perspective. Inspired by a real life experience that I related to Haruhi. It made me reexamine her apparent obliviousness, and it really came down to this line.
9. From Jokes and Casual Touches. And we move onto my current obsession. I can’t really explain why I like this line, but I really do. I think it reads nicely.
10. From Where We Left Off. Drunkenness is always funny. Except when it’s depressing. But in this case, definitely funny.
11. From Minutes in Seconds. It continues with the watch watching motif that inspired the fic and is a nice line on why Barney and Robin work. She doesn’t have to pretend that she might, someday, maybe, in the future want to have kids when she knows she doesn’t. Also, I love using 2nd person. I’m not ashamed.
12. From Child Support. I wanted the kid sleeping on the couch, wondered if that was realistic, thought of this line, and chortled heartily to myself.
13. From Fifteen Almost Simultaneous Reactions Following the blah blah blah. (I actually love this one’s ridiculously long title.) It was fun writing from inside Barney’s head. This is my favorite of the titular reactions.
14. From Four Times Robin Scherbatsky Wasn’t Pregnant (And One Time She Was). Creating ways that Barney and Robin tortured the hospital staff by acting inappropriately during the season 3/season 4 break is practically a fandom rite of passage.
I wish I wrote for more fandoms. Only a couple things ever get me to where I want to write fic. Other times, I'm just intimidated by the source material. Like, I love FMA, but I've never really wanted to write for it.
I really need to buckle down and finish some of my in-progress fics. I know what I want from the Dr. Horrible one, basically, I just can't seem to make myself write it. Not to mention the Ouran fics that have been on the backburner for ages. I have a one-fandom mind, it seems.
Also, I'm really tired of moving already, and we're not even close to finished.