Feb 14, 2005 20:53
Topic of the Day:
Stereotipically speaking girls always make the bigger fuss when it comes to relationships and dating. For example the girl always seems to fall first, the girl puts the sappy love quotes/lyrics in her profile, the girl is always the one who talks their friends ear off when they talk to him even if its only for a minute. However I am noticing (not only in one guy mind you) that guys are literally just like us, but because of the macho status they must uphold in front of their male peers they are unable to express themselves except to their close female friends. I have seen on more than one occasion where my male friends have come to me acting like little 7th grade girls who have a crush on a boy! I was literally in shock I thought I knew these boys inside and out and I was sadly mistaken when I witnessed this display of love and affection. Maybe it was b/c valentine's day was coming up, or maybe I'm just noticing more into the male personality, either way it's kinda nice to know that maybe, just maybe the guy you have a crush on gets those same butterflies when you come around, or instantly blushes the second you smile, or is feeling the same thing you are. It's kind of a comforting feeling.