
Feb 08, 2005 20:14

The Simple Stuff

[x]Full Name: Mary Katherine Guilford

[x]Birthday: 12-8-87

[x]Members of Famm: Mom, Dad, Laura, Kari, Billy

[x]Pets: Dog: Bailey, Cat: Zoe 2 fish: Nemo and Lucy

[x]Member of Famm closest to you: Kari

The School Side

[x]School Name: Holly Jr/Sr High

[x]Do you have "school spirit"? Sure.....GO JUNIORS

[x]Fave subject: History

[x]Cafeteria Food: Ugh no

This or That?

[x]Pop or Country? Country

[x]Rap or Rock? Rock hands down

[x]Classical or Latin? Eeeek none of the above

[x]Chicken or Beef? Chicken

[x]Fruits or Veggies? either are fine

[x]Horror or Comedy? Comedy

[x]Theater or Renting? Depends, renting means movie night and I <3 movie nights

[x]City or Country? Hmmm I want to live in a city someday but the country is peaceful..

[x]LiveJournal or Xanga? livejournal

[x]Silver or Gold? Silver

[x]Surfing or Skateboarding? I'd like to try surfing

[x]T.V or Computer? Prolly the comp-diddly-omp

[x]Summer or Winter? Summer all the way

[x]Spring or Fall? Fall I <3 the leaves

[x]Bush or Kerry? BUSH!

[x]ProLife or ProChoice? can you take the life of an innocent child who had no choice in the decision


[x]Color: Orange or Red

[x]Animal: I like dolphins

[x]Food: Pasta!

[x]Candy: Pixi-Stix or Skittles

[x]Song: I have a lot of favorite songs

[x]Band: hahaha a lot

[x]Movie: Love and Basketball, THE NOTEBOOK!

[x]Hangout Place: Muchos Lugares

[x]Drink: Diet Pepsi

[x]Game: Monopoly? lol

[x]Sport: Track

[x]Radio Station: 92.5, 100.5, 97.9

[x]TV Station: MTV, Noggin!

[x]TV show: Degrassi, The OC

[x]Smell: I like the smell of carnations

[x]Flower: Prolly Carnations

[x]Store: The Gap

[x]Teacher: Mrs. Lepkowski....she's the greatest!

[x]Cartoon Character: Arnold


Which one of your friends is....

[x]The Sweetest: Lucas

[x]The Most Understanding: toss up between corrie and ash

[x]The Best Listener: Corrie, Ash, or Lora

[x]The Most Caring: all of them!

[x]The Funniest: Ash, Lucas, Nicky

[x]The Craziest: Courtney

[x]The Smartest: Ash...she's got the word of the day

[x]The Best Singer: I like Corrie's voice

[x]The Most Interesting: Dominique that girl gets herself into some crazy situations!

[x]The Most Honest: most of them... I can always count on them to tell me my fly is down!

[x]The Most Trustful: I trust most of my friends

[x]The Cutest: I hang out w/ some good looking people

Crazy Questions

[x]If you were an MM, which one would you be and why? Orange...fav color

[x]What do you want to do when you're out of school? College major in communications, move to NYC and become a journalist

[x]If you were an animal, which would you be and why? Chichilla, cuz they're cute and so am I! lol

[x]What song best describes you and why? hmmm I don't know

[x]Which friend of yours do you identify with most and how? Out of the girls corrie cuz we agree on almost everything and the guys chap b/c hes like my brother and I can always count on him

About Love

[x]Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? nope

[x]Name? -

[x]What do you like most about them? -

[x]Do you have a crush? I'm kinda just lookin

[x]Do they know that you like them? -

[x]What do you like most about them? -

[x]Do you plan on marriage? mmhmm =)

[x]Do you believe in love at first sight? Not love attractions

[x]Do you believe in soul mates? Yes but I don't think you only have one

[x]Do you want children after marriage? ya sure why not

[x]Whats the most important thing to you in a relationship? humor, and trust

[x]What song reminds you of your bf/gf or crush? haha I dunno


[x]Do you believe in polytheism? nope

[x]Do you believe in monotheism? yes

[x]Do you consider yourself a religious person? ya

[x]Do you love your God? Yes I do

When Was The Last Time You...

[x]Told someone you loved them: Hmmm today?

[x]Brushed you teeth: This morning

[x]Ate food: like 2 hours ago

[x]Saw a movie: Sunday

[x]Danced: Saturday

[x]Told someone how you felt about them: hahah not recently

[x]Saw your best friend: School
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