Jan 10, 2005 13:58
Topic of the Day:
Imagine this: You and your significant other are walking together hand in hand, smiling, laughing. Picture perfect right? Well then your partner turns to you and procedes to tell you how all these guys or girls groped on them, and or flirted with them. But of course they just don't mention it they go in depth on how/when/where/why it happend. Ackwardness floods you're body as you don't know how to respond and you sit there somewhat mad how they act like it is no big deal. NEWS FLASH this makes people feel uncomfortable and sometimes bad about themselves. I'm not saying you can't inform you're "special someone" about what occured between you and someone with the nerve to hit on you but sometimes it's how you say it. So before you open you're mouth....THINK
Today's Topic of the day is dedicated to the Photography kiddies! Thanks for the inspiration guys :)