
Jan 30, 2009 04:30

Your name/Pseudonym: Danielle
Your personal LJ: ColorofAngels
Your email:
Your chat handles: Danielle My Dear

Character's name: Kaywinnet Lee Frye "Kaylee"
Character's canon: Firefly/Serenity
What type of canon is your character from?: tv/movie
Character's LJ: kay_lee_frye
Brief history of your character (100-200 words):

After the Earth was used up, humanity found a new solar system and hundreds of new Earths were terraformed and colonized. Kaylee was born and grew up out on the rim, working for her Dad, when he had work. She got her job on Serenity, a Firefly class transport ship, when Captain Malcolm Reynolds discovered her having a tryst with his mechanic Bester in the engine room when the ship was grounded for repairs. However, when Bester incorrectly informed Mal that the ship could not be fixed, Kaylee quickly proved him wrong by diagnosing the problem and repairing the grounded Serenity. Impressed with her mechanical ability, Mal immediately offered her Bester's job. Kaylee happily accepted, and left her family (and Bester) behind to join the crew.

She has since made Serenity her home and the rest of the crew her family. Life got a bit more interesting when wanted fugitives and siblings Simon and River Tam came aboard. From the moment she met Simon she was infatuated and while at times it is clear that her feelings are reciprocated, at her point of entrance to the Hotel California, they had yet to consummate their relationship.

Brief synopsis of your character's personality (100-300 words):

A girly-girl grease-monkey, Kaylee is a glass is half full kind of girl. Always smiling and with a kind word for everyone, she believes in the goodness of people and has a willingness to give them the benefit of the doubt. Exceptionally sweet and chipper, she is the type who maintains a bright attitude even when others are feeling low. Kaylee wears her heart on her sleeve and never hides her feelings from anyone. She is also very sensual and has no inhibitions when it comes to sex.

Unlike the rest of the crew, Kaylee has a hard time handling herself in a firefight. She is willing, but not quite yet able to overcome her fear of combat situations. However the crew's occasional forays into crime don't bother her, and even when describing the more questionable behavior among her fellow crewmates, she can make even the most illegal behavior sound adorable.

She has a real desire to make the people around her family and make the place that they live a home. As a result she often inspires little sister type feelings in many of her crewmates. She is most at home in the engine room, and can usually be found wearing a pair of grimy canvas coveralls over some shiny flowered or spandex girly top. While she is awed by Inara and Simon's fancy manners, she sees them as having little place out on the rim.

What is the point of your character's canon in which you are introducing your character?: After the conclusion of the series Firefly, but prior to the events of Serenity

Is your character alive or dead at the point of entry to the game?: Alive

What skills does your character have?: Although she has no formal training, she is extremely mechanically inclined, machines just seem to talk to her. She also had the ability to be almost unendingly cheerful and see the positive side of anything. Kaylee, like all members of her society is bilingual speaking Chinese with as much ease as English.

When your character is shown to his/her room, he/she will find ten personal items belonging to them, which the Hotel has supplied. These things can ONLY be things they would typically have in canon. This will be known as his/her initial personal inventory. Please list what these things would be: Pink floofy dress, Parasol, Kaylees room sign, Hammock, Jacks, Tool box, A Capture of the Serenity crew

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