Dec 28, 2008 14:52
In the last week, I have done a lot of clotting- much more than usual. The first was on the side of my left middle finger, followed by one between my left index and middle toes the next day. Two days later I got one on my left inner labia (which looked and felt as pleasant as it sounds), two days after that was one above my left knee. I was a bit alarmed at how many there were- normally it's one a month maybe- and because there were so many, I noticed that I have never had a clot on my right side. Out of maybe a total of 25 clots in the past year not a single one has been on the right. I called the ER nurse line (it was late) while I was having the last one and they wanted me to come in, but I have done that before and unless the clot hasn't burst yet, a superficial thrombophlebitis (the kind I get) just looks like a bruise and even if they do believe you had a clot, they just tell you to keep an eye on it. I would go to a regular doctor, but I'm sure by now I look like a hypochondriac because of this bruise business and there's nothing to check unless one is happening, and mine tend to burst within a few minutes. And the clots themselves don't concern me, really, they're just a nuisance. But with as frequent as they've been (almost every day) and with the only one side part, I'm beginning to wonder if it is a symptom of a different problem. I don't really know what to do about it, since there's no way I'm going to be able to see a doctor and be like, here, look at this clot I have and see if it's a problem. And because some jackass in the ER told me I HAD to come immediately the first time it happened, and the doctor there insisted what I had was a bruise, my record says I was in the emergency room because I had a bruise. So if I show up without anything obvious, they're not going to take it seriously.