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Dec 01, 2004 20:35

heelllooooo .. well today was interesting... i felt like crap . was so tired.. i stayed up so late on the phone last night.. i got used to not doing that.. but now that alex and i are together again we talk late.. i was so thrashed this morning.. but it was worth it. hahaha lol. so i just woke up and went to school . i took a shower last night.. but i didnt do anything to my hair.. so i had it up. blah. but anyywayss i was excited because i actually got to 1st on time this morning ! i was so proud of myself..normally i miss like all of homeroom lol. liz stayed home sick today so we textd all day lol she cracks me up.. omgosh it was so horrible.. okay we have to do this stupid egg project were you have a partner and you guys have a baby and the egg is your baby.. and you have to keep it safe.. well kyndra had hers in the cutest little baby carrier thing.. lol today at lunch phil L. took and and walked away with it and he smashed it ! it was so bad kyn was so pissed. i felt bad.. but im sure shell talk mrs. hoard outta the two failing test grades it was worth. and at lunch i got sweet tarts SHOCKERS and holy hannah those things like burnt my tongue its so weird.. my tongue is seriously burnt ... oo yess and how can i forget .. we took a quiz 7th (which i got a 96 on btw hah) and phil d. got like a 58 lol and he took his book and ripped it in half.. lol i couldnt stop laughing .. he was so mad.. he has like badd rage problems.. after school i came home did my homework.. at like 5 30 delie came to get me .. we went to get a haircut.. then to igunana mias.. i hate that place now.. she told about how someone found a cockroach(sp?) lol in their food like a few yrs ago.. aannd i def. almost threw up.o yeah and it was gross the entire time this mexican was staring at me and like licking his lips and stuff. and delie was playing along and she started licking her lips and mouthing vacuum ( mouth the word vacuum slowly and look in the mirror and youll see it looks like your saying something that your not.. lol try it) o gosh it was nasty.. then after we went to the mall and tanning. lol i love that girl. she just got her car back and it looks awesome. i love it

but anyway now im sitting here painting my baby.. cause delie drew the ugliest face ever on her.. so now im painting it with nail polish.. haha im so creative.. and im waiting for alex to get home.. i miss him.. delie said she might take me up there if amy cant.. so i dunno. uhga i need manicure.. i think this weekend im gunna ask my mommy if we can have a mommy/daughter/ashley(lol)day and go to the spa for massages and manicures and pedicures and facials..i hope me and ash get to hang out this weekend. i cant wait til she drives its only like a week.. then we wont have this stupid no ride that far away deal.. it sucks. i wish i still got to see her everyday i miss her.. but anyway. im gunna go finish painting my baby .. ill talk to ya later <3
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