Random today

Sep 28, 2005 19:21

Today I had a flash of brilliance. Actually, more a flash of "why the hell didn't I think of this before?" There's a character in the first book of the trilogy I'm writing that has always fascinated me. I love writing him, and I've often wondered about his past and the things he got up to, and what he did to make it to the fairly high position he holds at the beginning of the trilogy.

Then it occured to me: I created him. So I can go back and write about his past and make it into its own short story or something. Brilliant!

The really sad part about all this is that was pretty much my thought process. Why it took me this long to actually consider doing something like this I'll never know.

Skimming through my copy of The Blazing World by Margaret Cavendish this morning, I came across this fabulous quote:

"'But,' said the Empress, 'there is some likeness between maggots and cheese, for cheese has no blood, nor maggots neither; besides, they have almost the same taste which cheese has.' 'This proves nothing,' answered they, 'for maggots have a visible, local, progressive motion which cheese hath not.' The Empress replied that when all the cheese was turned into maggots it might be said to have local, progressive motion. They answered that when the cheese by its own figurative motions were changed into maggots it was no more cheese."

I can't believe I don't remember that from the first time I read it. Anyway, I immediately made it my signature on all the message boards I belong to, because I love it.

Finally, House was on last night.

There was an amputation on last night's episode. I fucking hate amputation episodes in medical shows, especially involving arms and hands. I know it's inevitable on medical shows, but for some reason it disturbs me like nothing else in the world. I have been known to be so disturbed as to lose sleep for the next several nights. It's one of the reasons I stopped watching ER, because there seemed to be more stuff that really, really disturbed me going on than in earlier seasons.

Also, I wanted to slap Cuddy.

Lost tonight!

writing, books, lost, house

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