NaNoWriMo Day 24

Nov 25, 2016 02:07

51646 / 50000


I used the official validated word count for this. My word count according to Google Docs is a little higher, but at this point, it doesn't matter.

As for continuing the story? I don't know. I still have lots of little out of order scenes I never got around to writing, and I didn't even get very much into the meat of the plot. This felt more like an exorcism than a story, because I've been thinking about it for so long. And now I feel like I can move on from it. Perhaps to return to it someday, perhaps not. But I'm glad I decided to do a new project this year, even if I never add another word to it. Familiarity breeds contempt, and I just needed to get away from my other projects for awhile. I feel like I can go back to them now with a clearer eye.

writing, nanowrimo

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