I've gone a whole three days without a meme post

Aug 03, 2010 12:00

- Reply to this post with the word ICONSSSS! and I will pick six of your icons
- Make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
- Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
- This will create a never ending cycle of icon glee.

jediknightmuse picked the ones beneath the cut.

My current default Doctor Who icon, from the season five episode "The Eleventh Hour." It's the Doctor standing in front of the TARDIS. What I especially love about this is that everyone and their dog made this exact same icon after that episode aired. So you'll see this icon everywhere, except each one is a little bit different in regards to cropping, coloring, textures, etc. I made this one very blue and green. In retrospect I wish I had done a different coloring, but oh well. When season six starts I'll be getting or making a new, season-appropriate icon to replace it.

My Heroes icon. The man is Nathan Petrelli (one of my favorite characters along with Matt Parkman), and he's cut out from a season two promotional photo and set against a texture whose coloring I messed around with a little bit. It was all part of an experiment in playing with textures and it didn't come out too hideous, and I needed a Heroes icon for posting ninth_wonders with, and I was tired of using the icons I had made from the season three promos. Plus it's all kind of symbolic of Nathan's character arc, with him standing at the boundary of light and dark, looking down at an American flag.

This is a quote from Psych...um, a season two episode called "Psy vs. Psy." In the scene Shawn offers another character a pineapple upside-down cake, then says that line. Since pineapples are a major symbol in the show, and because that quote really could be used for any number of things, I thought it was a good one to put on an icon. It's green and yellow because those colors are also closely associated with the show.

Just a writing-related quote, part of a series of writing icons I made for NaNoWriMo a couple years ago. I like it because it's true.

My cat, Amy. She's cute. I need to make a better one that's not so over-sharpened, but I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

Another Doctor Who icon! It's Ten, Martha, and Jack from a season three promotional photo. It's a permanent part of my icon rotation because season three was my favorite season, and I just love these three characters together and wish we could have gotten more of them interacting.

icons, meme

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