30 Day Television Meme - Days Seventeen and Eighteen

Jul 19, 2010 11:00

Yeah, I'm not even going to bother doing one a day anymore. Most of these questions I've got, like, one-sentence answers for. Most of them don't warrant any further elaboration, and I prefer LJ posts that are a little more substantial. Maybe I should have done all the questions in one day?

Anyway, full list of questions is here.

Day 17 - Favorite mini series

Blah blah blah. I don't really watch miniseries. I guess Torchwood: Children of Earth, on the basis that it's the only miniseries I've watched in years. Well, does Blackpool count? I didn't like that one much anyway, so never mind. Ooh, there was that miniseries made of The Mists of Avalon several years ago. I guess I'll go with that one.

Day 18 - Favorite title sequence
I think I'll have to give this one to The X-Files, although I also really love the title sequences of Stargate Atlantis and Psych. Know what title sequence I don't like? Doctor Who. That's right, I hate it now and I've always hated it, no matter what version I was watching. There was, like, one bit in RTD's title sequence I liked, which was the TARDIS exiting one tunnel and entering another. Other than that, blah.

tv, meme

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