30 Day Television Meme - Day Six

Jul 07, 2010 10:14

See the full list of questions here.

Day 06 - Favorite episode of your favorite TV show

Oh. This one's difficult. The X-Files had something like 200 episodes, right? Or nearly that, anyway. I'm afraid this is going to be a situation where I'm going to name several episodes which are my favorites for entirely different reasons.

Like, I'm a big fan of meta episodes, and my favorite of those from the series is probably "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space.'" I don't think someone who had never seen the show before wouldn't get it, but I think it's great meta for the fans.

And then there are mythology episodes. I think my favorite of those is the three-episode arc that began with "Anasazi" at the end of the second season. It was the first time I can remember watching something that had an end-of-the-season cliffhanger. I don't know if it's because those weren't really done before 90s TV or if it was just because The X-Files was the first proper "adult" show I watched regularly (outside of Quantum Leap and sitcoms, which didn't have those season-ending cliffhangers). Whatever the reason, it completely blew my twelve-year-old mind. I was so excited for season three, guys. That kind of thing makes an impression that sticks with you, I think, so those episodes are still my favorites of the mytharc.

As for standalones...so many. I think "Pusher" may edge toward the top of the list, though. It's kind of a lazy choice because you'll find that episode on pretty every fan's Top Ten list, but...well, there's a reason it's there, you know?

Huh. "Jose Chung," "Pusher," and two episodes of the Anasazi arc are season three. Apparently I really, really love season three.

tv, xfiles, meme

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