Some interesting links I've collected throughout the week:
New government pay-for-performance policies punish doctors who care for obese patients - Oh dear. This is upsetting. When are people going to lean that you can't just apply blanket terms to cover everything? And I really think there's got to be a better way to make doctors and hospitals more accountable for secondary infections and complications than this. This is like breaking your fingers to get rid of your headache. None of the underlying problems have been resolved; you just hurt in a different place now.
Mammoth blood resurrected - I just think this is kind of cool.
A Single molecule computes thousands of times faster than your PC - Also kind of cool.
And the weekly roundup of screencaps I did this week (all links lead to the relevant posts at
House 6x19 (The Choice):
Here Fringe 2x21 (Northwest Passage):
Here Stargate Universe 1x16 (Sabotage):
Here Doctor Who 5x06 (The Vampires of Venice):