
Apr 18, 2010 18:19

I've done more screencaps:

Fringe 2x18 - White Tulip
Stargate Universe 1x13 - Faith
Doctor Who 5x03 - Victory of the Daleks

I really haven't been doing much on LJ lately, sorry. I keep having ideas for posts and then just never getting around to making them.

In real life news, my brother and I saw Neil Gaiman talk in Indianapolis Friday night, after an adventure in even finding the place. According to Google Maps North Central High School was east of Keystone Avenue. Cue my brother and I wandering up and down 86th Street all the way to Castleton going, "But it's all fast food places and strip malls! Where are they hiding the high school?" Turns out North Central High School is west of Keystone. Way to fail, Google Maps. So we were a little late, but all we missed was the woman introducing him, so it was all right.

The rest of the weekend I've done nothing but procrastinate on writing.

I got massively behind on my word count back in February when I was just too depressed to do much of anything, but I'm slowly recovering from that. I've written three more pieces for 100originalfics, and have done two more chapters on TES. I've written...a little bit more on DC, but for some reason I'm avoiding it. I told myself I couldn't work on anything else today until I had another 2000 words on DC, so...I haven't written anything today. Sigh. I don't know why I dread working on it. I was getting into a pretty good pace the last time I opened up the file. I guess it's the getting started that's the hardest part for me.

Don't have much to say about TV this week, except that I'm officially watching too much of it now. I have at least one show every single day except for Sunday, which is just so weird for me. To show you the ludicrous amounts of TV I'm watching, I have a little review of everything I've watched this week under the cut. Seriously, it's ridiculous.

House was pretty good this week. Just a fun episode with some interesting character interactions. But I'm getting a little tired of House getting into the position of having meaningful conversations with people who are Just! Like! Him! just so they can serve as a warning or something. Also not interested in Wilson's upcoming ex-wife drama. I want more shenanigans in the actual hospital.

Evil Wil Wheaton was back in The Big Bang Theory and was evil. And funny. And the best part was when the guys lost a bet at the end. And that's all I'm going to say because reviewing a sitcom makes me feel weird.

Glee was finally back after fifty years on hiatus or something. Not as shiny as some previous episodes, and even the songs were kind of lackluster. I find Will/Emma annoying, so I hope they really do back off on that. Not interested in Rachel/Finn or the new guy, either. Love that there was a lot of the two non-Quinn cheerleaders (I don't know their names, sorry), because they're hilarious. And Jane Lynch is still the best thing about this show.

I don't know if Criminal Minds was actually really good this week or if I was just so glad to see my show and characters back from the backdoor pilot from hell pit they fell into last week that I would have swallowed any old crap. I think this one was pretty good, though, with a good amount of screen time for all the regulars. And I really like it when Hotch and JJ team up. I think they have an interesting relationship. Also, apparently now there's going to be another two week break, wtf?

Ugly Betty had its series finale, which was kind of sad because I just started watching last fall after I caught up on the series. The show was pretty bad in season three, but I think they turned it around in season four. Too bad it was too late. I like that they tied up most of the outstanding story lines, even if if was rushed. It was actually one of the better series finales I've seen.

I watched Bones with my mom this week because she was off work for once and so actually watched it instead of recording it. That was fun because she apparently thinks the show is just hilarious, though she is definitely not a Booth/Brennan shipper. Are they going to hook Angela and Hodgins back up? Anyway, for the obligatory high school reunion episode with bonus going-undercover-as-a-married-couple, this one was pretty fun.

I think Fringe just gets better the longer it goes. I can't wait for next week. It's kind of odd, though: for the story line focusing so much on Peter and his past lately, he hasn't seemed to be in it much. I expect a lot more Peter next week.

Stargate Universe is holding up its own, too. At first I was kind of meh on this week's episode, but the more I think about it the more I like it. Wanted to punch "We came here for a ~*~reason~*~" dude in the face, though. Budding cult leader, Y/Y? I wonder what the BAU team would have to say about him. Damn, I would not stay behind on a planet on the other side of the universe just because some guy was convinced the all-powerful and wise aliens were coming for us. I've never put much stock in blind faith, though, so there you go.

Doctor Who really was kind of meh this week. I enjoyed SGU more, which is the first time that's happened. So tell me, was that whole episode just an excuse for Moffat to roll out his new marketing opportunities Daleks? The more I think about it the angrier I get. I hated that Amy got left behind, because she and the Doctor interacting is the best part of the show. Maybe I'll like it better on rewatch, but for right now: what a dull episode. You are now officially 0 for 3, Gatiss. Next week looks so much better. River Song and Weeping Angels!

Okay, I'm going to go write now.

glee, indiana, writing, skylar_town, dr who, fringe, tbbt, bones, house, sgu, criminal minds

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