Happy Spring!

Mar 24, 2010 10:09

I'm sorry I've been completely MIA this month. I've been spending a lot of time doing others things, and my work's firewall doesn't like LJ (it's not blocked, obviously, as I am posting from work right now, but it keeps popping up annoying and pointless "Authorization required" warnings every couple minutes that I keep having to close). I've not been doing much: reading, making a concerted effort to talk to my family more, and going outside when it's been nice. Right now the days here are alternating between warm and sunny and cold and rainy, which is annoying, but which I guess is better than cold and rainy all the time.

I'll be getting back to the 30 day writing meme in April. I should have started it March 1st, and then I tried to start it on March 15th, but that didn't feel right. So April 1st it is, and that'll be 30 days.

So, the more relevant portion of this entry: I want to make icons! Below is a list of stuff I'm thinking about iconing. Is there a particular type/fandom you'd like to see?

-Criminal Minds
-Stargate Universe
-Writing-related icons
-Science-related icons
-Spring-related icons
-Quotes (show/movie quotes, writing quotes, whatever)

icons, weather

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