
Mar 01, 2010 12:52

February sucks. It's a depressing month and I never accomplish anything worthwhile during it. Luckily, February is gone and I won't have to see it again for another year.

This month, I am going to:

1. Return to the weekly writing updates (and if I don't post one, feel free to nag me until I either cry or start writing, whichever comes first).

2. Get more serious about exercise. I did pretty well in January and then got sucked into the black hole of depression that is February and fell off that wagon as thoroughly as I fell off the writing one. So, you know.

3. Save more money, starting with the goal of bringing my lunch to work every day instead of eating out two three days a week. Also do more cooking at home on the weekends. Even though I hate cooking*. There are easy, fast options that are still less expensive than eating out all the time.

*That is my one problem with the whole goal to save money and eat healthier. I mean, it sounds like a great idea and one that I want to incorporate...except, I hate cooking. I hate working in the kitchen, I hate the time it takes to make things, I hate cooking for just one person, but I also hate fighting with my family over what they will or won't eat. Thus, my meals tend to be simple and fast: stir-fry, tuna salad, chicken helper, spaghetti, stuff I can throw into a crock pot in the morning and forget about until evening. Except all that gets kind of tiresome after awhile. I also have no imagination when it comes to cooking and I get too anxious about following recipes exactly because I'm afraid it'll all come out wrong if I don't and I'll have wasted a bunch of food. So cooking is kind of stressful and not fun for me, and I would rather do it as little as possible.

4. Do the 30-day writing meme that a bunch of people on my flist are doing. I thought starting on the first would be good, even though March actually has 31 days. Expect to see the list of questions and my first answer later today.

5. Get back to reading. February was a wash in terms of books (February was a wash in terms of everything). I started two but set them aside and never really got back to them. So I want to finish those and read at least a couple others.

6. I haven't played Sims 2 in a year! How did that happen? I got to Generation 6 of my legacy and just kind of stopped. I want to finish all 10 generations even though with Sims 3 out I doubt anyone's still playing Sims 2. So I'm going to make a concerted effort to play the Drakes more often.

7. Continue my dates with SSA Aaron Hotchner watching Criminal Minds, because it's way addictive.

sims, writing, books, yay spring, tv, criminal minds, money

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