Bits and Pieces

Dec 12, 2009 19:21

1. Community pimping:

getyourwordsout is now taking pledges for 2010! getyourwordsout is an LJ comm where you pledge to reach a certain word count for the year (there are six different pledge levels) and then track your goal throughout the year. This was my most productive year, writing-wise (even if it came in fits and starts sometimes), and a lot of it had to do with the comm. I work best under deadlines, and this was a great, low-stress way to make my own deadlines and get myself writing. I urge everyone who writes and wants to be more productive this coming year to check it out and make a pledge! Pledges will only be taken until December 31st, and then the comm is closed to new members for all of 2010. Read about membership requirements and how to make pledges in this post.

Come on! I know some of you want to do this. :)

2. Speaking of getyourwordsout, last year I pledged to write 250,000 words in 2009. My total as of December 11th:

250235 / 250000

:D I'll definitely be writing more this year because I'm still working on the fic prompts you all gave me, as well as some original stuff to post this month, but I've already reported my word count at getyourwordsout just so I don't forget. For 2010 I'm going for 300,000!

Oh yeah, the project I was working on when I passed the 250,000-word mark? David Cleaner. *facepalm* You'd think I'd stop picking at that and work instead on a project I actually plan on finishing. But I had a severe lack of inspiration the last couple days for either 100originalfics or the fic prompts. So my last words were written on a throwaway project. I feel like it's kind of a cheat, but I guess words are words.

3. And, speaking of my little December project, I know I didn't post anything yesterday. I got to doing other stuff and then it got late and I had to get up at 6:00am this morning. So. I'll be posting something later on for yesterday and today.

4. Closer to the end of the year I'll be making a writing review post to really look at the work I've finished this year. I didn't even come close to meeting the lofty goals I set for myself at the beginning of the year, but I definitely did better than in 2008.

5. Why do people with LiveJournals continue to post their fic exclusively on Like, people who advertise their fic on LJ comms and put the headers and things in their journals, and then a link that goes to Just, post the damn thing on LJ! Or at least post both places. If your fic is only at I'm not reading it. I don't care how amazing it might be. That site crashes my fully-updated browser more often than not.

6. Why is like 90% of LJ Psych fandom Shawn/Lassiter? I don't get it. Like, I see the appeal of the pairing: I find antagonist slash kind of dull, but I know lots of people who love it (although I'm not sold on Shawn/Lassiter even on that angle, because can they even be called antagonists?). But the vast majority of LJ fandom?

I guess what bothers me the most about Shawn/Lassiter fic is that almost all of it completely sidelines Gus or puts him on a bus or has him conveniently off working his sales job or at a retreat or something. And like, you can't separate Shawn and Gus. We already know from canon that Gus and Shawn never leave each other alone even when the other is on a date. Why would that change if Shawn and Lassiter hooked up? And Juliet gets shoved out of the picture all the time, too. I guess I just like all the characters together.

writing, fanfiction, rants, psych, gywo

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