(no subject)

Dec 05, 2008 21:45

So I worked a lot this week, and I have to work tomorrow.

Also, I'm not watching Stargate Atlantis and I feel really guilty about that for some reason, but I haven't seen the last month's worth of episodes and I don't want to just watch this one without having seen the others. It's not even that I've been too tired or whatever, I've just...god, I just don't have the patience for TV these days. All I've been watching regularly is Heroes and Pushing Daisies. I haven't been watching House because I figure I'll catch the ones I missed on DVD, or at the very least USA will eventually get around to rerunning these episodes into the ground like they do now for earlier seasons. Eleventh Hour is on too late for me to watch (when I have to be at work at 4:00 in the morning, I need to be asleep by 10:00 at night). And with SGA I just missed it one week because I was so tired and I just haven't gotten around to catching up with it again. Plus there was NaNo, and I spent most of the very limited time I had at home and awake working on that.

I only work two days each the week of Christmas and the week of New Year's, so I'll be catching up on TV stuff then, as well as lots of other things I've neglected. I'm just kind of glad November is over, really. It turns out that NaNo + 60-hour work weeks don't mix so well. I was working about that many hours while in grad school, but that was different because in lab I could work on my NaNo on my own computer over lunch. Can't do that where I am now.

And now for a rant concerning the two shows I have actually been keeping up with:
Actually, this rant is about fandom and not so much about the shows themselves. It's a major pet peeve of mine when people feel the need to build up their favorite show/book/movie/fandom by tearing other ones down. I love both Pushing Daisies and Heroes. I think it's sad that PD got canceled. I really think it's one of the best things on TV and I'll be the first to admit that Heroes has been very patchy this season. But why does PD fandom feel the need to bitch about Heroes and its fans and snottily proclaim that it should have been the show to be canceled because it sucks and will never, ever, EVER get any better? It's all to do with Bryan Fuller, of course, and the news that he's going back to Heroes at least for the tail end of season three. I read something today where someone blamed Fuller for not trying hard enough to save his own show because even if PD got canceled he was already ensured a job back on Heroes. Which yeah, I'm so sure Bryan Fuller stopped fighting for his own show because he preferred to go back to being a staff writer on someone else's show. Anyway, it touched off an avalanche of complaining about Heroes and how bad it was and how they don't deserve Bryan Fuller (or maybe they do, him being a show-destroying betrayer or whatever the fandom thinks he is).

I don't know. The whole thing was very unpleasant and I know, I KNOW. I've been in fandom long enough that I realize this is par for the course. I guess I was kind of disappointed to find that a show as wonderful and fresh and different as PD still has the same ugly over-entitled fans that every other fandom does. It was kind of a shock, because even though I'm not really in PD fandom, the times I've peeked in everyone has seemed pretty happy and laid-back. Like, you don't get wank in PD fandom ever, at least from what I can tell. But I guess cancellation brought on some bitter attitudes. Whatever. I guess getting into new fandoms isn't worth it because it's the same nastiness over and over and I should really know better by now.

Of course, Heroes fandom this week did PD fandom one better by flooding Greg Beeman's blog with whiny entitled fan-ranting about Elle getting killed off. Frankly, I'm glad she's dead, if she even really is dead. Sorry, I don't care about Elle and I'm not a fan of Kristen Bell. And really? All those people who are whining about never watching the show again now that Elle has been killed? Well, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I'll be kind of glad to see the back of you, truthfully. I would prefer the show focus on the remaining members of the original, season one cast. Those are the characters I like and want to see more of. I think I would probably not have remained a fan of Heroes if Tim Kring had gone ahead with his original plan to change the cast every season. But the nastiness in Beeman's blog? This is the reason I just don't want to call myself a fan of anything anymore. It's embarrassing to be associated with such immature, tantrum-throwing idiots.

There's no real purpose to this rant. I reach this point with every fandom I'm in--where the whining and bitching and complaining and entitlement whoring just exhausts and depresses me to where I can't enjoy the fandom anymore--and then move on to something new hoping I'll have a different experience. I know it's not going to happen but I keep doing it. Like I said before, I should really know better by now. I joined weloveheroes just to hear some positivity in the fandom, but it's a small thing against a sea of wailing.

heroes, rants, i hate fandom, tv, job

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