This week's (and last week's) TV

Oct 04, 2008 16:06

I actually meant to make a post like this last week but never got around to it due to RL issues. But anyway, here's my run-down of this week's (and last week's) TV. There are spoilers under the cuts for all the shows.

Last week: Heroes started with a two-hour premiere. And season 3 turns out to be even more cracked than the previous two seasons. My brother and mine's "Everyone's secretly related to the Petrellis" is holding up nicely. I really, really wish Peter would just get killed off already, stupid Gary Stu. I'm kind of tired of the apocalyptic future plots, too. Can't the writers come up with anything else? Niki/Jessica/Tracey/whoever wasn't as dull as I thought she would be, though, so that's good. Loved the part where Matt thought the turtle was talking to him. Mohinder was especially stupid this week, and my brother and I agreed that there was no reason for him to take the superpower serum because monologuing is already his superpower. My brother during the scene where Mohinder's passed out: "He's unconscious and he's still talking!" Haha, Nathan is nuts in the head.

This week: A bit more coherent than last week. So Niki was some sort of clone or something? That could be cool. The writers could kill off Ali Larter's character Kenny from South Park-style every week and just keep writing new characters for her to play. No Mohinder this week, which can only be a good thing, because he's Grade A stupid this season. I'm a little lost on the Meredith Gordon thing. Didn't she con Nathan (and Claire) out of money and then skip off the New Mexico? How did Claire's parents find her? Why did she agree to come back at all? She didn't seem to care a whole lot about Claire to begin with. It just seems kind of random. Also, dear writers: please to not be breaking up Ando and Hiro, okay?

Not much to say about House this week or last week. It's still greatly entertaining and the only procedural-type show that I'm still watching regularly. I like procedural shows like the various Law and Orders and CSIs, but I usually end up just watching them regularly for a season or two before I get bored and stop. House is five seasons in and still going strong for me, so that's awesome. I'm probably alone in liking all the new characters (especially Kutner; I LOVE him), but I do.

And...Fringe. Two weeks ago was decent, last week bored me. I didn't really pay attention to what was going on. I don't know. I think the show has potential, but it's really hit and miss at the moment.

This week: Slightly more interesting. That one scene totally ripped off Doctor Who. The father-son dynamic (um, their last name is Bishop but I can't recall their first names at the moment. One of them is Peter, maybe?) is the most interesting thing about the show. Olivia Dunham is still boring. Homeland Security guy is in on it. I'm not sure what "it" is, but he's in on it.

I have been waiting FOREVER for Pushing Daisies to come back because I love it. This did not disappoint: the show was just as whimsical and weird and different as ever. My one gripe was that they felt the need to recap the entire first season in an epic "previously" section, but then again not everyone rewatched all nine episodes a couple weeks ago like I did. So the reminder was probably a good idea. It'll be interesting to see where they take the various plot threads they started developing in this episode.

Thursdays are for nothing...yet.

I haven't talked about this season of SGA much because I've been kind of pissed that it's been canceled. I really think this season has been the best they've had so far, and it's too bad that it's ending. Anyway, last week was awesome. Daniel and Rodney! My favorite character from SG-1 with my favorite character from SGA! Awesome is the only word for it. Also, great cliffhanger. I love how the three major storylines all came together at the end, and I hate that I have to wait two weeks to find out what happens.

There was also Sanctuary this week. A confession: I never watched the series when it was online. I followed its development and was signed up at the Sanctuary For All site and everything, but I never actually got around to watching the actual episodes. And then when it was announced the series would be developed for television I decided not to bother with the online eps. Bad of me, I know.

Anyway, as this is only the second brand new series I've started watching this season, it immediately gets compared to Fringe. And it was way better than Fringe. Maybe it was because I can get behind a character played by Amanda Tapping more than I can a character played by...whoever plays Olivia Dunham. Helen Magnus is infinitely more interesting. But I don't think it's just that: I really wasn't in the mood to watch TV last night but I turned it on because I didn't want to bother trying to watch it online after the fact (I still haven't gotten around to rewatching the first episode of Fringe), and it's a massive credit to the show that after a few minutes I was completely engaged in the storyline. And that was before Amanda Tapping showed up. The writing and dialogue seemed so much better than on Fringe. Yeah, the opening scenes showed the police department doing some things I'm not sure were entirely legal, but I could overlook that. It's a beautiful show to look at, too, with all the CGI sets. Very stylistic. I'll definitely continue watching this one.

Atlantis icon because it doesn't get used enough.

fringe, heroes, atlantis, tv, house, reviews

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