New bike?

Aug 03, 2008 21:14

Leave it to me to feel guilty about something that most people wouldn't think twice about.

My bike has been a piece of crap ever since I first bought it a little over a year ago. I think I've bitched about it before on here more than once. A mere four days or so after I bought it, before I'd had a chance to properly ride it, the back tire somehow developed a hole and had to be replaced. A couple weeks later I had to replace the front tire as well. It always made weird creaking noises whenever I rode it. The seat and handlebars had to be adjusted with weird and esoteric tools that I didn't own. The gears never worked correctly. I was lucky if the chain stayed on for more than an hour at a time, plus it leaked something all over my kitchen floor. I have no idea what. What the hell kind of fluid does a bicycle have, anyway? All I know is that it was yellow and nothing, not even industrial-strength floor cleaner, could get it off the linoleum.

Why didn't I just return it? Because I bought it in Kokomo but I was still living in Bloomington, so it wasn't a matter of just running down the road to the store. Why didn't I take it to a bike shop to get the stuff fixed? Because I was too lazy to bother with it, really. I changed the tires myself. I didn't worry about the gears because I usually only use one gear anyway. The chain was a problem, but it kind of stopped giving me problems after awhile. Except for today. I went riding and had to call my mom to come pick me up because the chain slipped off again and I couldn't fix it this time. Plus now the pedal is cracked. It's just...I regretted buying the bike almost immediately but was determined to put up with it because I'd spent money on it.

Except I'm really mad now that I managed to buy such a lemon of a bike, and I want to get a new one. My dad wants me to take it somewhere for someone to look at it, because maybe its problems could be fixed for cheap. And I kind of want to do that because I hate to be such an example of our wasteful society, but the thing is that I work every weekday during business hours and I don't really have the time to haul my bike to a bike shop to be looked at. Okay, and there's the laziness thing as well. It's easy to just go buy a new one and throw away the old. And that makes me feel guilty, but not guilty enough to not do it. I am what is wrong with society.

Of course, the honest truth is that I HATE that bike because it's given me nothing but problems and I just want to wipe my hands of it and start over.

One thing I will be doing this time is shopping around a little for the bike instead of buying the first one I come across. Because that didn't work out too well last time.


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