(no subject)

Jun 05, 2008 09:45

Yay, Internet! Massive thunderstorm last night flooded half the city and more importantly knocked out my wireless Internet for the night. Desperate, I tried playing Sims 2 on my laptop instead. Except the mouse I used to attach to it is packed away in a storage shed in Kokomo, and the game was too frustrating to play using the touchpad. Really desperate now, I read a book. I finished The Princess Bride by William Goldman, which is so much better than the movie.

Let me tell you about my experience with the movie version of The Princess Bride. This is sort of like a confession or a fandomsecret post, except I guess now it's not a secret. But anyway, I first saw The Princess Bride when I was fifteen. I was in a play that summer and one day I and several other people went over to this other girl's house to help her sew costumes. She put in her copy of The Princess Bride to just play in the background because it was her favorite movie. I only paid attention to parts of it because we were all busy sewing and talking.

It wasn't until a little while later when I realized that The Princess Bride had this big cult following and was quoted in the Internet all the time. And since I had technically seen it before I always told people that I had, even though I couldn't have told you a single thing that happened in it (except Westley falling down the hill, because I remembered that scene). And, as it usually goes, I built it up in my head as this really good, really funny movie because of how people always went on about it.

Then I actually sat down and watched the whole movie a couple months ago. It was kind of meh. I was disappointed. I'm not sure what I was missing that makes so many other people love it. I had already bought the book, and since it's a pretty quick read (compared to the other two books I'm reading right now, anyway), I finished it last night and it really is a lot better than the movie. So there.

sims, computer, movies, books, weather

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