"Your Honest Opinions" [1] am I pretty? yes! [2] am I sweet? yes! [3] am I nice? yes! [4] am I crazy? ha ha yep! [5] am I lovable? ya!! [6] am I funny? lol yess! [7] am I psycho? ha ha naa [8] am I selfish? nope! [9] am I daring? hm ya I guess! [10] am I a good person? yes!
"Would You...." [1] hug me? like ya! [2] kiss me? ha ha on the cheek! [3] hold my hand? sure! ha ha [4] miss me if I was gone? yes [5] listen to my problems? yes [6] be there for me when i need you the most? yes [7] hug me if I cried? yes [8] be a good friend? yes [9] buy me a hundred roses? lol woah a 100! maybe so! [10] lie to me just to make me happy or tell me the truth that can make me sad? hm...depends on it...I'd rather make u happy
"If You Could...." [1] give me a new name it would be? ShEdAiSy! [2] hook me up with someone (real) who would it be? um...a hott boy!! [3] do one thing with me it would be? sing! [4] drop me one piece of advice what would it be? stay the same as u are forever n ever! [5] give me something that's very special from your heart it would it be? a big hug! [6] be my boyfriend would you say yes? n/a lol...not a boy
"Just A Few Questions" [1] What do u love about me? ur so rockin! [2] What is my best quality? ur loveable persoanlity [3] If u could change one thing about me it would be? nothin! [4] What is your honest opinion about me? I think u are so sweet and pretty! [5] If i die will you remember me forever? yes! please dotn die! [6] Would you forgive me if I break your heart or do something that's really bad to you that will cause you pain? yes
[1] am I pretty? yes!
[2] am I sweet? yes!
[3] am I nice? yes!
[4] am I crazy? ha ha yep!
[5] am I lovable? ya!!
[6] am I funny? lol yess!
[7] am I psycho? ha ha naa
[8] am I selfish? nope!
[9] am I daring? hm ya I guess!
[10] am I a good person? yes!
"Would You...."
[1] hug me? like ya!
[2] kiss me? ha ha on the cheek!
[3] hold my hand? sure! ha ha
[4] miss me if I was gone? yes
[5] listen to my problems? yes
[6] be there for me when i need you the most? yes
[7] hug me if I cried? yes
[8] be a good friend? yes
[9] buy me a hundred roses? lol woah a 100! maybe so!
[10] lie to me just to make me happy or tell me the truth that can make me sad? hm...depends on it...I'd rather make u happy
"If You Could...."
[1] give me a new name it would be? ShEdAiSy!
[2] hook me up with someone (real) who would it be? um...a hott boy!!
[3] do one thing with me it would be? sing!
[4] drop me one piece of advice what would it be? stay the same as u are forever n ever!
[5] give me something that's very special from your heart it would it be? a big hug!
[6] be my boyfriend would you say yes? n/a lol...not a boy
"Just A Few Questions"
[1] What do u love about me? ur so rockin!
[2] What is my best quality? ur loveable persoanlity
[3] If u could change one thing about me it would be? nothin!
[4] What is your honest opinion about me? I think u are so sweet and pretty!
[5] If i die will you remember me forever? yes! please dotn die!
[6] Would you forgive me if I break your heart or do something that's really bad to you that will cause you pain? yes
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