
Feb 14, 2006 21:49

ok... so a lil more on the convo with the boy this morning... I just couldn't resist.
I had to ask why... why did I have to ask why? cuz I would tear myself up if I didn't know...
he said he was in love with somebody for the past 3 years and hasn't gotten over them yet... I asked then, 'what where you doing telling me you loved me last year before I left? and then again a couple of weeks ago?' for this he had no reply.
it ended with his usual 'I just want to be friends' and I said "friends don't lie... I'm sorry but there is no goodbye... I just can't be friends with anyone who lies to me like that, it a line you shouldn't have crossed." maybe someday friends will work, but for now I can't deal with him and me at the same time.

I do feel sorry, sorry that I shouldn't have done anything with him... but at least I feel a closure to this temporary relationship. back to normal... or as normal as my life gets.
no more anxiety over it...

anywayz, I came home and watched Bowling For Comubine for the first time... I had allready seen Farenheit 9/11. and am currently in the middle of Three Kings... I must sound like a freak being only 21, but I think George Clooney is pretty hot ::blushes:: he's soooo old but he's hot!!!

and one interview so far lined up for tomorrow... not much but its a start.

anywayz, luvs to all ya'll out there without a honey this V-day!!!!! and enjoy your singles awareness day (yes, I've finally adopted it... now I just need to figure who to credit)!!!!!

luvs and hugs to all, and to all a good night!!!!

a.k.a. Kayla ::winks and waves::


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