Time for a change-up

Jun 21, 2016 23:48

Once things have settled into some semblance of routine, it is time for something to change. That's the way I roll anyway. :p

[1] From today till the end of August, I am the Queen of the House. Demi has just left for Tanzania, Tiina's been gone since end of May, so the house is now mine. All mine. Muahahahaha! Well.....it's not like I'm planning to throw any crazy house parties, but it's cool to have the entire space to myself. Now I can talk to myself and sing out loud anywhere I want without worrying that I'm a bother.

[2] I've deleted Tokires from my iPad. I've built up my game for months - since November last year - but I've never been too bothered about casting a game aside once I've figured it out completely. Tokires is a well-designed game, and I could foresee myself playing it forever......but there really is no benefit in playing it forever. Sure it has cool graphics and the cute recipes just make my girl-heart squee, but there is no challenge at all. In the long run, it would just be an endless time sink. So, I've satisfied my curiosity for otome games, and the Japanese practice was useful while it lasted. Sayonara, Tokires.

[3] I'm going to switch up my reading habits a bit. Not sure how yet, but it's been planned. ;)

game, reviews, friends, personal

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