I'm hearing music in the air~

Jan 26, 2015 23:48

Really. I blame my musical/Broadway bender over the past few days for this strange occurrence. I would be walking down a corridor and suddenly, my brain bursts into song and I find myself humming under my breath. In one instance, I actually did break out into song to the bemused amusement of the parking lot security guard.

In any case, I do not regret anything. A fact which is proven by my decision to watch 'Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat' tonight. Two days or so ago, I stumbled across the eerily beautiful song 'Close Every Door' while link-hopping in my hunt for Gareth Gates' videos. That led to a compulsive search for even more renditions of the song, which led to a search for renditions of other songs in the play. There wasn't very many available, which was when I turned to the university library. Bingo, they had a copy!

Now, after watching it, my curiosity has been satisfied. However, I must say that I am a little disappointed. With the popularity it has, I expected more. More gravitas, better music and coherence, more poignancy. It was ok, but I had such high hopes. There were several stand-out songs, but only within the context of the other mediocre songs. If I compared the songs to those in 'The Phantom of the Opera' or 'Chess', the former would lose. By a significant margin. And on top of that, the musical style was all over the place, resulting in a messy hodgepodge mishmash which struck a lamely comedic note. Not at all my cup of tea, but I suppose there will be those who would appreciate it.

I'm glad I watched it, if only so I can say I did. But if I ever have the itch to revisit the story of Joseph, I'll stick to the animated 'Joseph: King of Dreams'. It has more logical pacing and music, and is more likely to touch me emotionally.

music, reviews

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