So now I'll try to post as much as I can. First of all...
Spitfire cosplay.
Animania 2009 sucked big time, but I still cosplayed Spit, and it turned out... OK. I guess. Yeah, the colours are all off, but I've captured the atmosphere. I hope ^^;
That pose... Actually, I couldn't quite remember other Spit poses ^^
Yeah, no AT. I know, I know... But the thing is the 'fest' was held in a shopping centre, and roller skates are forbidden there.
Now, if I had ATs it would look a lot more impressive...
Not very good, this one...
Ah, Spit on stage... Nice, right? ^_^ Ad I had one of the three second places ^^
Imagine how surprised I was to find an Agito among the young cosplayers ^_^ Ad of course I had to take advantage of the little one >D
Now this one... Who would've thought Zelgadis would mistake Spit for Xelloss? XD
Dear Sano-chan,
Blame yourself for not being here.
Your Spitfire
xxx (<- that's what you've missed >D )
Secondly, I was finally stamped @
saiyuki_ratings and
Thirdly, there's some art that I haven't posted here yet...
I was hooked on Oekaki for quite some time, so there're a lot of them...
Ono Yuusuke from Antique Bakery
Bonten from Amatsuki
Spitfire from Air Gear. Kaiji-style.
Princess. There was a Prince/Princess contest @ Animekaki, and I just couldn't resist the slip they've made in the rules... Nobody said a Princess should be actually female >D
Ratri Baara from Tateno Makato-sensei's Aoi Hitsuji no Yume. I love this manga and I honeslty love this character, but he just didn't want to turn out well...
Tateno Makoto's Hero Heel...
That was another contest @ Animekaki. Gender Confusion. So, this one's me as a male...
And of course after that I had to go and spoil all the fan and draw myself as I really am...
New Year's postcard #1. Souma Haru from Fruits Basket.
New Year's postcard #2. Bulls...
No fics. Sorry, guys, writer's block still in full bloom. I know it's taking me damn long time, but what can I do? I'm still unemployed, still depressed and still don't know what to do with my life.
Oh, and did I mention I'm going to Moscow? ^___^ Of course I did. So, yeah. And I'm not just going there as always, I'm also going to a quite big anime convention, which can't be less than very nice. At last I'll spend some time with sane anime fans who don't think that Naruto and Death Note are all there is to anime. Damn, I'm starting to hate Death Note because of those blasted early teens... But anyway. The fact is... the trip to Moscow is going to give me some energy that I royally lack here. Ah, if only I could finally move there...
Okay, what else. Animania itself. That damnable fest almost drove me crazy. The majority of supposed anime fans consisted of 10-15 y/o children who think that all anime is devided into two groups: Naruto ad Death Note. There was an army of black haired (!!!) Misas and an army of Ls, all of them thinking that clothes mean cosplay and they don't have to do anything else. Oh, and an army of poorly dressed Naruto characters who didn't actually cosplayed either. I hate Naruto with all my soul, and I still could see what a poor job they were doing. Oh, and if the first day was a children's sand-box, the second one was a total farce. Still an army of Misas, but two of them were actually blonde. Still an army of Naruto characters... A little less Ls than last time... but the real farce was in the end. So, they've chosen 5 candidates for the first place (a little different from the previous day when the jury gave all highest marks to one of the girls, and then one of the jury, the same person, I swear, put a bad mark to every single one of the other cosplayers, myself included, even when all of the others gave them the highest marks)... and then... Oh, surprise! A toddler, no more than 5 years, walked to the stage wearing a poorly made Naruto costume. And guess what? He won! Why you ask? Apparently because either his parents were friends of the organizer or... it was the organizer's child. I don't know and honestly I don't care.
If you want to see more photos from Animania than just me posing, you can find them here:
I've made them public, but if you have problems viewing, tell me, ok?