弟二話:芝居は苦手 - Episode 2: Plays are my weak point

Dec 04, 2004 23:02

I attended Sarah's play tonight. As usual, I was in a rush because I have shitty time mangagement skills. As I was entering my car, my pant loop caught on my turn signal lever and bent it all the way down and snapped its case! As I turned my car on, the fluid was spraying on my windsheild, the wipers started going, and every blinker on my car was going off. I managed to stop most of them by twisting the handle 180 degrees, but the brights remained.

Finally, I arrived at the play with Tammy. I had never been to a play at KU before, but I thought they were going to be like the ones we did at high school, like Oklahoma or 42nd Street. But when I got there the stage was small and black, so I didn't know what to expect. Sitting in front of us were two guys who were wearing all black and talking about death. From here I knew I wasn't going to be seeing 42nd Street. I've meet quite a few drama students before and I've liked them all, but every so often there are those people who I think only want to be a drama student to be a professional goth. That's what these two guys were like and I couldn't stand them.

Anyway, after about half-way into the show the overall serious tone (the topic was suicide. Yea!) and a few choice quotes makes me start to giggle. It was at this time when the actors stare into the audience and say stuff. The girl who was the director/creator/headperson decides to stare at me and ask a bunch or random questions with a very stearn face. At first I was scared because she had caught me laughing at her play, but the more she stared at me the more I could hear the guy screaming "I DISLIKE MY GENETALIA!" So, while fighting laughter, I make an awkward-ass smile and after a while (I swear she was staring at me for over a minute) I made a thumbs-up gesture indicating that I was enjoying her performance. Granted her character was supposed to be angry, but I think she looked a little more pissed after I did that.
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