Natural Cure Premature Ejaculation

May 03, 2011 15:53

See also: cialis |

For many couples, sex is the one thing that either makes or breaks their relationship. Sure, there are many other factors that make a good marriage - money, ability to get along, amount of time that is spent together, etc. - but sex can be a melting point for some couples. While there are many different things that women want out of sex, what they really want is for their man to spend enough time to bring them to orgasm. That means enough time spent in foreplay so that she is properly arounsed, but it also means that the man must last long enough after penetration.
Alfred Kinsey, the noted sexologist, found that 20% of men ejaculate after two minutes of intercourse, with another 30% that don't last for more than five minutes. Countless others have trouble controlling their ejaculation long enough to satisfy the woman through the normal stages of sexual response which include excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution. Forget the old wives tale that women don't have to have an orgasm to enjoy sex.

Unfortunately, for many men, the techniques for lasting longer include thinking about work at the office, or their last round of golf, or other outside activity instead of focusing on the enjoyment of his partner. Or, some meny wear condoms to de-sensitize the physical enjoyment. Neither one of those seems like a good idea if you really are wanting to enjoy sex!
Medical labs have developed natural male enhancement products to improve their sexual health, and these products help many men control their ejaculation. The principle behind natural male enhancement is that a healthy purchase cialis provides stronger erections, and gives the man more control during sex. To some people this may sound like snake oil, but in reality it's the truth. There are a variety of natural male enhancement products in a variety of forms (pills, patches, topical creams) for men who would like to improve their stamina and ejaculation control. One of the products we like is Climinax, an all-natural herbal formulation that helps prolong sexual intercourse without reducing the pleasure.
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