Breathe me

Nov 26, 2015 21:06

Зацепился по "Монте-Карло" сегодня ухом.
У Adele есть песня с первого альбома "19" - Hometown Glory, с явно заимствованной музыкой песни Sia - Breathe me. Когда песня вышла в далеком 2008, версия возникновения ее звучала так: This song, which captures the bittersweet beauty of London life, was written by the 18-year-old Adele in 10 minutes after her mother tried to persuade her to leave London for university. She explained to the Observer Music Monthly October 2007: "I played it to her as a protest song and said this is why I'm staying."
Оригинал вышел у Sia в 2004. Девушка рассказывает вот что: Sia told about recording this track:It always felt like a good song that one. Sam and Felix had put the drums and bass down, they played it all live together one night after they’d been to dinner, and I was really sick with flu and I walked in the next day and the track was there without me singing on it and it was just so sleek. I don’t really listen to my own music. I don’t think most people listen to their own music after they’ve recorded it. Some of my musician friends get really anal and listen to it all the time, analyzing it. But once I’ve done it, I listen to it once and put it to bed, but with that one I was like, “yeah! Again! Again!”.
Выступая недавно с концертом в честь последнего релиза Adele изменила показания, чтобы время написания песни совпало: “This next one was the first song that I ever wrote, when I was about 16,” Adele said. “It’s called ‘Hometown Glory’ and it was all about how I felt about London and stuff like that. I actually wrote it on guitar, and I was at school at the time, and I got my friend at school to transpose onto piano - because I probably could play it, but it’d probably take about 12 hours because I’m such a snail on the piano trying to sing and play at the same time.”

“I actually find this song really emotional now because since so much has happened since I wrote it, and it’s been like 11 years since I wrote it. So my whole career has happened, and it’s one of my favorites still, to this day,” she added.

Девочки такие врушки. Творцы они такие творцы. Но по радио крутят - Hometown Glory.
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