Sep 03, 2007 13:53
[Filtered to her students (all years)]
Hi guys! It must feel good to be back, right? I hope all of you are settling into your routines, and that you're looking forward to learning and making new friends this year! Just remember to stay positive and try your best at everything!
Now, onto the actual class related stuff! This week we're going to start out simple- we'll be covering healthy eating and sleeping habits, so I'd like you all to just pay attention to what you eat daily and how much sleep you're getting each night. Since your eating habits can really effect your mood and energy levels throughout the day, it's best to eat a mixture of meats , fish or poultrey, grains and vegetables, but since every person's different (and you're all young), just do what that you can for now! Like if you have a sandwich for lunch or dinner, see if you can have it on wheat bread, instead of white. It may taste a little strange at first, but with enough time, you'll get used to it!
As far as sleep, the average amount of hours varies by each person, but I think 8-10 hours should be enough to make sure you wake up well rested with energy, instead of waking up still feeling tired, but if you feel tired throught the day, then just try eating some fruits or vegetables to help boost your energy. Fruits and vegetables are better for boosting energy than say, sweets from Honeyduke's, since they also have vitamins and minerals.
I think that's all for now- if any of you have questions or comments, just leave me a comment here, or come by my office at [directions go here]! Oh, I almost forgot, you can find my classroom at [different directions go here]- I'll see you in class, and I hope all of you enjoy it!
-Prof. Kisaragi