(no subject)

Dec 23, 2006 00:45


Is "American" categorised as being an ethnicity??? Someone please enlighten me and everyone else. Deary me...

No offense intended, but I was reading through LS Scrapbook and someone listed their ethnicity as American. O_O" .....My dear girl, what exactly is that? Caucasian? Hispanic? What on this Earth is American? America is a place occupied by many. It was a founded country by Mr. Christopher-Caucasian-Columbus, and now a country host to a variety of ethnic groups. Gosh! Someone tell me American is not now a proclaimed ethnicity. Irritating to my cynical-British-educated-Virgo-born core! Country plus people does not equal ethnicity in all cases. Yes, Chinese. Yes, Japanese. Yes, Spanish. No, American! No, Canadian! The latter two are not countries substantial enough to proclaim their people of residents an ethnic group. Thank you very much.

The end.

P.S. The irritated mood icon of Ryo doesn't seem to look very irritated does he.
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