
Sep 16, 2006 16:13

I am to be happy to see my Aunt again; he is to be staying with me for the next few days as certain degrees of control with my medication are to be requiring less... activity from me. It is to be pleasant to have a touch of home in this city of fog and steel.

[[ Note: Yugito has no concept of privacy; hackability; or even how journals work. She still thinks it is magic that lets people respond, when they do. Prepare for inanity. And her Aunt is male. Yes. ]]

I am not to have been dreaming lately, even if this is to be neither good nor bad. To be without the memory of dreams is to be without the guidance of dreams; for this, I am to be saddened, but perhaps it is to be the way of rest for when the body rejects one organ - and the step to rejecting one more.

I am not to be sure what was to possess me to attempt the baking of the brownies yesterday. I am not to be having a weapon for the using on any more unruly, noxious guests of house. The duck, it was to be fresh, of the little town market, and most delicious.

Is there not something I am forgetting? Perhaps; it would be not the last, nor the first time. Hard to tell with these people who are to say one thing, and to mean another, outside of what their bodies read or eyes promise in the retribution of time. Alas; perhaps Auntie would be enjoying a hunt tomorrow - I am feeling more than well enough. Heart that beats under my breast, from another younger laid to rest, is healthier still despite suggestions of rejections for being whole where my own was not.
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