(no subject)

Mar 08, 2008 15:11

I hate the weekends so much, almost as much as I hate college. the weekends suck because I never go out. I go to my dance lesson and then spend the rest of the weekend organising my room, occasionally going to the shops with my Mother on a Sunday afternoon. I hate it. I wish I had someone else's life. I hate college because I'm failing, I cba to try as much as I should and the people there are all shit and totally ruining my life apart from a few.

My parents just asked me if I'm coming to Scotland with them in October and I said no so they told me that my family will be coming to check on me at random times throughout the day because I'm not allowed to go out unless I tell my parents and I'm not allowed anyone in the house after 6pm. they're ridiculous, I was planning on having one/two people to sleep over every night because I'm so scared of being in the house after dark by myself. looks like that's not happening. Now they've just told me that I can stay with my Grandparents or my Auntie. No way am I staying with my Grandparents, that was the worst weekend of my life last time I did. I'm not staying at my Aunties either because I'll feel so awkward and I'll be miles away from everyone, not like anyone would want to go anywhere with me anyway. I guess I'm going with my parents then. I hate how my phobias of everything ruin everything. My parents rules, my phobias and other annoying things that I do are slowly taking over my life. Right, I've decided, I'm going to fucking Scotland. The main reason I've decided to go is because the Black Parade was released last time I was there and my parents bought it for me <3 I'm sure I only like them when they buy me things.

I'm off to organise my room :D I could think of so many funerer things to do tbh like actually go out!
Shit, I just pressed some keys on my keyboard and the start bar has disapeared and the top of the page has gone kinda weird like the address bar is still there and the tabs, but they're rlly small and everything else is gone. Shit idk what I've done :(
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