(no subject)

Mar 04, 2004 16:31

We went on band festival today. It ruled.

We got a 2, 2, and 3....but oh well. It was some 7th grade clarinet's fault. We told him to stop playing since his instrument squeaked worse than a dying duck, but he wouldn't stop. Retard.

Anyways! We got out of school until like...2pm. =D We ate at CiCi's pizza...where we played arcade games...then they let us go to the Dollar Tree and Target for 20 minutes. @_@

At Target, I got Something Corporate's "North" CD for $7. And...while me, Heather, Rachel, and Kayla were running around looking like idiots, Becky, Whitney, Samuel, Loral (sp?), and some 7th graders walked in with......UMBRELLA HATS ON.

Me and Kayla rushed to the Dollar Tree and bought ourselves some of the fanceh hats. By the time we got on the buses to head home...1/2 of the band had umbrella hats. We bought Ashton one too. Tomorrow is hat day...^______^

While in Target, Raven picked up Trojans and went "I'll be needing these for later tonight!" Me, Kayla, Rachel, and Heather were going to ask a clerk, "Where are the trashy romance novels located?" But we had to leave before then..=(

On the bus...like...28472387 we all started going "MINE MINE MIIIIIINE" and stuff. And we came to a place where inmates were working and someone in the back of the bus waved or something and one like...winked and licked his lips. o_o;

Anyways. It ruled.
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