Meh... another meme...

Sep 26, 2005 16:21

LJ Interests meme results

  1. anime:
    For *counts* almost 10 years I've been a fan and though money's tight and I haven' watched anything new in over a month, I'm still loving and yearning for it!
  2. cats:
    Mrow! Nyah! I love them dammit! I have since I was 4 when I got my first kitten, Dusty. *sniff* I miss him. Had to give him away when I moved to the miserable town from NY.
  3. dancing:
    I love it so much, but I hardly get a chance to go out and do it. SO if you chat with me and I'm in a good mood, most likely I'll be listening to music and dancing while I type.
  4. drawing:
    Something I want to make my life's work I can't even do once a day. It's so hard when you got a 2 year old whom wants to sit on your lap at the same time your drawing book is taking up the space.. *sigh*
  5. games:
    Yeah, I'm one of those few girls out there whom like video games and can't wait for some to come out. I'm not a great player but I try. And sometimes I'll even put a sexist male pig to shame. *grins*
  6. gravitation:
    All together now....YAY FOR YAOI/SHOUNEN-AI!!!! The first thing that turned me into the world of boy love! Now, I can't go a day w.o talking about it, looking for pics, or wanting to write my own smut. *prays* Lord forgive me!!
  7. kare kano:
    I was never a popular kid and school. Never a smart one or a pretty one either. So what do the kids of higher standards stress about? Lots of stuff in Japan atleast. The art style it a little weird for me, but the storyline has intreged me so much that I'm almost done with it.
  8. love hina:
    Being a fan of Tenchi Muyo, I wanted to see an anime where all the girls don't like the guy.
  9. music:
    I can't describe how much music means to me. I don't know what I'd do without it. Seriously, it's one of few things that keep me sane!!
  10. sailor moon:
    The anime that started it all!! I fell for a big headed, big eyes, high pitched voice magical girl with and odd hair style in Sept of 1995. Thank God for afterschool TV programming!!

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