I'm writing from the USA and right now, our nation is in a state of crisis.
I'm well aware that many of you from other countries know of this massive hurricane that struck many of the Gulf Coast's cities. Hundreds of thousands of people are without homes, food, water, and medical supplies. Thousands of people and many animals maybe be already dead and drifting in the waters that others are still stuck in. Diseases and toxins float in this same water as well, putting more people in danger. Desperation to stay alive has caused many people to loot and vandalize. Some, just to stay alive and others to profit from anothers misfortune.
And many whom are alive and well, are searching for missing family members. Or their family is searching for them and they don't know. Families who did make it out of the storm are still misplaced. They don't know where to go, who to ask for help, or when they'll even get a drink of clean water. Hospitals have become unbearble to work in and patients have to be moved, but at the same time more people are getting sick. I saw a woman on the news yesterday whom had her 5 day old baby girl with her along with many of her family members. The baby was too hot from the heat that presented itself yesterday. They were stuck on a highway after being placed there from someone who rescued them by boat from their flooded home. The news reporter and his teams stopped her and flagged down anyone who could drive her to another towns hospital. A police officier arrived, took her and some of her family along. Is that little baby alright? That I wish I knew.
So why am I writing this, because they need help. I live up in the Northeast of the USA so I can only tell you what I see on the news and read in the papers. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to do what I can, to help my fellow man. When the tsumani struck months ago, I donated at Walmart as much as I could afford. The Salvation Army, a church I attend when I can, sent some of the people I know to where the disater took place. So we prayed for them and everyone else as well.
I'm not asking for you to give hundreads of dollars to help them. Even one dollar is enough to buy someone a bottle of water here. But please give anything you can. You can donate at school, shoppping areas, or even online at the red cross's website.
http://www.redcross.org/ I will be posting this in all the communities I've joined here on LJ. So sorry if I take up your friends space more than once. And to any moderators, if you think this is not important to post in your community because it has nothing to do with the main subject, you can delete this from ever reaching everyone else. Though, I don't think it's right but it's your job, not mine.