What you are about to see is NOT intended for small Children. It may cause blindness in some people and people that are weak of stomach or of heart PLEASE LOOK AWAY NOW! DO NOT .. I REPEAT, DO NOT! GO FURTHUR!
If you are still reading.. it means you live up to the standards I have for-set! (I can make up words bitches)
Before... and After!
What you are about to see, may shock and amaze you....
Taken at Sheri's party! May 28th 2005.
Now... it's been one whole year! (almost anyway)
*ahem* セクシービーム!!!!!!
chyeah...~ ♥ I'm hot now~ *totally wishes*
No really I am!~ ♥
No more human blob! I just thought I'd share this all with you~ Because it has been sort of a tough road for me and It just kind of shocked me when i was going through old pictures one day and i realized that I have changed alot and I've overcome alot. And this is my hope for the future, knowing everything will be okay~
Thank you everyone! ♥