God, I fail at tags here lately. I mentioned that before, but it's worth mentioning again, because dear GOD, I suck at writing anything, which is bad, because I interpret every creative slump as OH GOD, I WILL NEVER WRITE AGAIN. THE WORLD IS ENDING. Hrmph.
ANYWAY. Icon meme. Because I can.
001. Reply to this post, and I will pick 6-8 of your icons.
002. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
003. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
004. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.
Icons picked by Arden and Katie:
1). I have mad, mad love for Quentin Tarantino. In my ambitious life, I would love to write with a combination of Stephen King (circa The Dark Tower) and Chuck Palahniuk's prose and Quentin Tarantino's dialogue. So naturally this is my writery icon- I'm not sure what it means when I Tarantino that shit, but rest assured, I know when I do it. :| Also, I have mad love for McKenas Cole in Alias. He's my favorite minor character and I'm just really intense about him.
2). I love horrible things and I blame Aubrey for the existence of this ship on my radar. It's a pretty icon on its own- I love the soft black and white and the way Martha's got her head bowed and, yet, still totally defiant and the Master just... Being the Master. Really, it's just my gratuitous horrible ship icon to round out my collection of adorable ships. Also, the keywords are from "Kryptonite," which is also Aubrey's fault.
3). LOL. Daniel Faraday's hat deserves its own flashback, okay? Anyway, it's from S6 of LOST in the Purgatory alternate reality where Daniel is a concert pianist, instead of a physicist and is Charles Widmore's primary kid. He... Wears a hat. It's adorable. There's no excuse for this. I just really love Dan's hat.
4). This is from one of my favorite moments in television history- the last moments of LOST. I have mad, mad love for the series finale and found it to be beautifully poignant in every way and just the image of everyone coming together in the church having found each other in Purgatory at last is so amazing to me. /sobs thinking of it.
5). LOL SOCK. This is my dancing icon for those happy moments when you just gotta squeedance and Sock humping a jukebox is pretty good for that, okay? It's from Reaper, which is one of those shows that no one's heard of, but everyone should watch, because it's seriously amazing.
6). Bela can kill you with her bra. :|
7). So there's this song called "Street Light Halos," which is the most depressingly Cas/Anna song that there ever ways. The minute I saw this scene in S4, I HAD to have an icon version of it, because LOL. LITERAL STREET LIGHT HALOS. And it just cemented why that song is their heartsong. Also, I have more Cas/Anna icons that I rightly should.
8). I love Desmond throughout LOST, but my favorite variant of him is his first appearance in S2 where he's just a scared, crazychans rabbit boy. And the icon is just so inspirational to me, BECAUSE YOU'VE GOTTA MAKE YOUR OWN KIND OF MUSIC, SING YOUR OWN SPECIAL SONG~
9). I possibly identify with Olive Snook way too much. This icon is why.
10). Despite my many, many Topher/Claire icons, I don't ship them, but they ARE one of my favorite dynamics in the series. And there's just something so sad about this scene... So sad that I had to have like ten icons from it. It remains to this day, the one scene in Dollhouse I've overanalyzed.
11). The Trio are my favorite Buffy villains. JUDGE ME IF YOU WILL. But I can totally identify with a bunch of nerds who just decide to go evil one day. Plus I love villains who don't have superpowers and are just awesome on their own... Not that the Trio were awesome, but Warren was pretty close to evolving into Syndrome.
12). It's Desmond again! Let it be said that Desmond has the best flashbacks- this is from Flashes Before Your Eyes, which is still one of my favorite Desmond episodes ever, right after he detonates the hatch and winds up with his consciousness stuck back in time for the first time. I really loved Desmond's creepy vision shit and missed it so much when he got that shit fixed. ;__;
13). Gabriel is totally a Marauder, okay? :| And I have more Gabriel icons than I really need, but I love him, so there.