Jun 17, 2010 13:40
Waugh. I hate days where I wake up and my confidence is shot to sunshine. YOU'D THINK AFTER LANDING A JOB WITHOUT EVEN TRYING AND HAVING AN AWESOME WEEK WOULD MAKE ME SUPER CONFIDENT, but.... You would be wrong. It's mostly just a writing/RP-ing thing. There was a secret on RP!S, like, two days ago that spoke to me. I am Tinkerbell. I need applause to live. Which makes me an attention-whoring hobag. :\ Hnnnn.
I am so behind on the TV meme and I can't bring myself to care. I think I'm gonna picspam the fuck out of the next question on my list through, even though I've already talked about it, because... I really can't get enough of Hammer of the Gods. And I've watched it at least once every day since it aired. I THINK THAT COUNTS AS MORE THAN FIVE TIMES. (But seriously, I hate that question, because I've probably seen episodes I HATE more than five times.)
Maybe I'll.... Screencap the fuck out of HotG and get prepared for that. Except it won't be a picspam of the whole episode. It'll be a picspam of the... Relevant bits. Because I don't care about the first fifteen minutes' life. At all.
Also, there's a zombie apocalypse plot in TLV. This is a happy thing. I need to get psyched out for that, but I'm so apathetic right now. Maybe once Jae gets home from work, I can be psyched again.
I should probably get out of the emo music.