Feb 24, 2016 13:58

I know I said I was going to do this before, but after this MAGFest I feel more determined to make this happen. I need to practice my writing skills anyway for work.

So let's do the traditional quick update :

- Yeah, that dude I talked about last time? We live together. Have been for about 2 years now. Super stable shit right there.
- I've gotten over a lot of crushes from the past. A lot of people tend to feel like a dodged bullet when I actually get close to them. I'm so poorly put together myself, I can barely handle the one relationship I'm in. I'm still polyamorous though.
- I have three dumb dogs and a weird custody arrangement with Jon.
- I still have no idea what the fuck I'm doing, but that seems okay.
- I go by Vice. Have been for forever.
- The Bemani Community is a nice hot mess. I think I rather like it that way.

Please forgive me for any previous angsty posts if you follow this livejournal. Actually, is there any better use of Livejournal than to post angsty posts?

MAGFest Round Up!

MAGFest happened again. It'll always happen. MAGFest will hopefully be the one reliable thing in my life. I opted out of being in a huge party room and instead stayed with Ciara and Alex, while remaining in a roomblock with a party next door. Somehow the coincidental gods of luck decided to place Zac in my room. That is correct! The very same alkarenhyralt from way back then!

It was barely day 1 when shit hit the fan. I'd rather not go into details, but to tl;dr this : Ciara left same day and Adam came into our room to be away from rambunctiousness. Once everything was said and done, the entire space relaxed. There was no doubt that some tension still remained but it was not nearly as bad as it had once been. Zac, Adam, and I went through and read each others old livejournals. I regret everything I've ever wrote. I still refuse to delete the past though. For anyone just now reading this, I highly suggest not reading posts pre college Vice/Sammy. They're pretty awful. They're really disconnected. They're the exact thing you'd expect a 12-15 year old with severe mental illness and a broken family and nothing but the internet for friends to write. The other stuff past that is pretty bad, but not near that level. A lot of it is angst towards Jon, Chris, and unrequited love. It's all dumb and whiny.

Day 2 started with apologies from someone I had decided by that time not to deal with for the rest of the convention. It also started with a sushi trip. In retrospect, a sushi trip at 12PM, when I was more than definitely still hungover, was a bad idea. Overall though, It was a good time. We went to Grace's Mandarin (??? Something like that at least). It was pricey as expected but portion sizing was on point. That's all I can ask. The previous day I had cosplayed as Daisy alongside my precious Prince Peach, but at that time we also had a Luigi and a Prince Rosalina. Needless to say, Luigi and Prince Rosalina were part of the drama of Day 1. I decided to dress as a female Toad and my boyfriend also dressed as his Prince Peach again, this time with a cape. We were adorable! I spent a lot of time hanging out in my room with friends. At one point I stopped by a major party room and got dragged into an adventure to troll /cgl/'s meet up. They were pretty easy to find. Literally all touhou and undertale. After that adventure, I left to go hang out at the video game DJ battle aka amongst one of the most disappointing con raves I've been to. I trusted MAGFest in that department, and they failed me. On a bright side, we ran into Ariane and Luke and brought them up to our room. I missed them dearly. It's always nice to see old friends.

Day 3 : I regretted not partying harder and planned to do so this day (PS I didn't go as hard as I thought I would). I put on my Shelly cosplay and Alex donned his Tabitha cosplay. Alex's Tabitha is literally so on point. I can't get over how amazing it was. My Shelly left something to be desired, but I wasn't there for any fittings, so it made sense. Next time I want Dannica to make me a bathing suit version of it for Colossal. Nothing of value actually happened. My voice was gone. I had a fun time hanging out with lots of people. It was a good time.

I'll probably use this live journal to mainly rate cons and stupid anime and tv shit i'm watching. Deal with it. My opinion matters

past shit, magfest, angsty, fuck livejournal, conventions

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