>_< mmm can't sleep. Too much on my mind, and it's snowing so I can't do much as in take a nice walk to try and get things outta my mind...so I'm still awake which really sucks cause no one is online to talk to...
*le sigh*
so...been spending way too much time on gaia lately...really need to do something else rather then sit there all day long. Might go do something tomorrow weather depending. Well on to other news.
So I graduated...go me. And I'm finally perhaps MAYBE quitting Circuit City. wow big steps huh? Well not much else to write...which is funny because I have so much in my mind that I wanna get out maybe I'll go draw or something for a little bit that might help.
Lol that's the new image in my signature block on Gaia. I won the Mare in the Soquili FS, if you don't know what a Soquili is, it's a breedable pet on Gaia...or as I see it pretty signature candy you can RP them as well as breed them. It's interesting to say the least. The fox and the orb the fox is holding I won in a newbie raffle and auction on Foxinits another breedable pet thing. I just thought I'd make a new signature image for them since I got bored...BAH.
Lol I've got another horse coming, it's going to be a purple Stallion. I hope he's just as handsome as my pretty mare there. They might get along if he is. Well either way I think I'm going to go draw now so tata.