Dec 29, 2007 08:02
After that long list, how about a little update?
We did some after Christmas shopping and had sushi for lunch yesterday. Adrian got himself some much needed sunglasses -- we got a 30% Friends and Family discount thanks to Shane ... hes the lab manager at the Lenscrafters we went to -- which saved us some significant cash.
I hit Eddie Bauer and found a pair of slipper socks that werent there when I went before Christmas. Yay! I love slipper socks. I also found another set of PJs and three long sleeve tops ... one standard, two turtleneck. Those are going to become handy for work since I can fit them under an oversized T-shirt and not freeze up at the front desk.
We were walking back to Lenscrafters -- Shane didnt come in until 1 pm, and we got to Southlands at 10 -- and I saw an adorable sweater in the window of this one store. (I think its called Christopher and Banks?) The sweater features a cat in a santa hat all tangled up in Christmas lights with the caption 'Bah Humbug.' It was perfect ... I can take or leave Christmas, to be honest, so I just had to see if they had it in my size.
So we went in, and its a smaller person's store ... goes up to XL/16. So I wasnt holding out much hope. Turns out the *only* sweater they had was the one in the window, and it was a small. So the lady in the store suggested I go across the street to their sister store, CJ Banks. They *start* at XL and go up from there, so I might find something.
Across the street we went, and while there was no sweater, there WAS ... wait for it ... a set of red pajamas. The shirt had the little cat on the chest, and the pants are COVERED in the little boogers. Score, but wait ... would they have my size? The only set on the shelf was a 2X ... way to big, but the one on the display was an X. So I tried it on, and it fit. So, Im currently wearing them, of course.
Work went surprisingly ok last night. Steve helped count the money, which saved me some stress. I really get stressed about the money not being right, or that someone might come in while Im counting the money at the desk alone. I got most of that done before Steve left to do the rounds turning stuff off. And I didnt see some of my regular people, but the people I did see were nice. And I sold my first gift card, which is a new thing ... took me a while to look up the procedure for sure, but the gentleman who was buying it was very patient.
Im debating trying to pick up some blank shifts next month. Theres one on the 23rd from 6-10 pm (my usual time). The 7:30-2 on Saturday has some coverage issues, but Im resisting that as I want to spend my weekends with Adrian as hes travelling most weeks.
While at work last night, I did some research on possible ... reeducation. Im thinking I need a career, and while the Rec Center is nice -- and given my hours, I could keep that job while working a day job elsewhere -- I really need something daily. So my thought is to go into something in the health field.
Theres quite a few options at Arapahoe Community College. Theres a track that starts with an Admin Assistant certification -- so I could schedule, process bills, file claims, work front desk, etc -- and then it sort of goes from there into other areas. You can build on the Admin Assistant education and become a medical assistant -- they check vitals, give shots, draw blood -- or medical office management -- manage an outpatient facility. Theres some other options, such as pharmacy tech or lab work, too.
I find the Admin Assistant program appealing. Its 16 credits, and some of it is online. I dont think Id have anything to take beyond the actual certificate credits since Ive already got a BS in Journalism, so Ive taken all the gut requirements such as basic math, writing, etc. So I might apply ... or I might call and ask if I could get an appointment with someone in admissions to discuss what my options are. The app process for pretty much all of the programs is the same -- the app, an interview, a criminal background check, and some placement tests that would probably be waived in lieu of my degree.
So, I think Im going to go for it. I wont start this semester since I still have to apply, but I might be able to start later on next year and get into a career by 2009, which would be cool.
I have to run over to work today to pick up my fleece I ordered. Parker Rec put in an order for embroidered fleeces so we dont freeze at the front desk. The cost came down to $16.50 -- I think it was originally quoted to us at $23.50 -- cause I guess they ordered enough fleeces to bring the cost down a bit. So I need to go pay Brett and get it.
Not sure what else we are doing. Adrian *might* want to ski today, but tonight's the big historical Patriots game ... that NFL Network blinked on and is giving away over the air as it will be simulcast on NBC and CBS. So he might want to stay home today. We wont go tomorrow as its the last week of regular season football, so there will be the usual three games. And Tuesday, I want to watch two of the bowl games (that Im hoping arent on at the same time), so we might go up Monday.
Anyway, Ive been on the computer the last two hours doing LJ related stuff, so I think Im done. Im gonna go watch TV.
arapahoe comm college,