Jun 29, 2009 13:14
Alright. So, there's this guy on Facebook. He added me as a friend a while ago, a little after last Otakon... Now, here's where it gets fishy:
He added about several hundred other people ALL GIRLS at the SAME TIME. And, for some reason, they were all talking on his wall about Otakon... Hmm...
So, I thought, "Alright, maybe the dude's just a lonely otaku?" But, he had a girlfriend. And, his name was Japanese. I was confused, though, 'cause the name didn't really flow. (And his pictures were of an asian boy.) So, I thought "Well, if he has a girlfriend who is as pretty as those pictures... I don't know, it doesn't seem like he'd need to add a bunch of girls on Facebook!"... But I dismissed it with a wave of my hand and several months passed by.
Today (The 29th of June), he posted on his status that he was DEFINITELY NOT going to Otakon. I thought this was odd since he'd asked several girls (Including me) "Who should I cosplay as?" and was adamant about going. I looked at his profile info. He had an e-mail, and that was roughly it (There were two other bits of info, but they weren't significant).
Now, that in itself is not fishy. But, if you've seen how much info people put on their profile, (Groups, interests, activities, school, etc.) It was a little odd. Plus, combined with his popping out of nowhere and adding all girls, it was rather scary. I was a bit concerned. I posted my concerns on his status. I also wrote, that if anyone could say something to abate my concerns, please say it now. I thought this was diplomatic, and it gave anyone, including the guy in suspect a chance to come up and say "Hey, that's not fair, I actually... Blah blah blah." So, then, I refreshed, to see if anyone had written anything, and my comment was gone. I commented that it had appeared my comment had been deleted. He then removed me as a friend.
Now, if these are not fishy, I don't know what is. His name on Facebook is Hiroyuki Mizuzawa. His profile picture is an asian kid, being rather risque. I'm warning you about him. And, if you can, please either quote me in your journal (Because I know there are some people who added him in you guys' friends list) or link to my journal (Since it's or rather lengthy), or paraphrase, or any combination of the three. Thank you for reading. Please, pass this on, I'm rather serious.
Thanks for reading.