Well, for now anyways....a progress report with pictures ;)

May 29, 2006 21:57

Jupi, Shyne Twinkle, is staying like this :P

Even if I change her in the long run, it will be quite a while since I have others I'm working on first.

Neji and Alucard are finished minus needing wigs.

Drama is a head in a box, Talim is keeping her company, and Heaven is there too for now :/

Platinum is done :)

Gaara is ready for his new home and Daniel is still looking for one (HELLLO!!! Doesnt someone want him ;_;)

Sars had his hair brushed and is finished, but I dont know about Sakyo in this wig :(

Dani and Helena are finished too, but I'm not sure about Dani's lips :/

helena was a cutter ;)(and yes lol, her arms were based off the way mine look...and exactly so, though my scars are paler now ;) )

I was having artist's block today and couldnt manage to get anyone else workedon without fugging them up...so :P~~~~
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