Title: "Someday....I'll Return to You"
Genre: Angst, Romance, Fluff
Pairing: YabuHika [Kota x Hikaru]
Rating: PG
Summary: Looking at the scenery below across the street from him, he smiles. Everyone is laughing and smiling. He is glad that everybody has moved on.
Author's Note: Requested by
harukadream &
juice_box97 ---- Apart of my drabble series for Hikaru's 20th birthday :D - Drabble #1 ! Hikaru's P.o.V
“Someday….I’ll Return to You”
Looking at the scenery below across the street from him, he smiles. Everyone is laughing and smiling. He is glad that everybody has moved on. He knows that they haven’t fully moved on, but he is happy that they have moved on enough to finally laugh and smile.
He loves everybody’s smile. Especially his. His was the brightest one out of everybody’s.
He knows they aren’t smiling to the fullest. He knows that because whenever a fan asks them about him, the mood turn depressing.
He knows they probably wouldn’t be able to recognize him after everything that changed physically. He has loss tremendous weight. He has lost his shine. He is very pale from lack of sleep and lack of food. He dyed his hair a light brown-golden. He doesn’t even have the same eye color. His eyes darkened so badly they look jet black.
They don’t know he goes to all their concerts. They don’t know he is watching from afar. They don’t know how close he is from them.
He didn’t know why he left. He should go back. He knows he should. He just isn’t sure when to go back. Whenever he think’s he is ready he back out at the last minute. He knows he shouldn’t be doing that. He knows he should stop acting scared but he cannot.
“Someday…I’ll return to you”