Title: My Halloween
Genre: Romance, Poetry
Pairing: Akame - Akanishi Jin x Kamenashi Kazuya
Rating: PG
Summary: Jin and Kazuya’s Halloween
This Halloween
Was the best one ever
I was pirate king
And he was my pirate queen
Of course I made him wear a skirt
We walked around houses
Trick or treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
If you don’t
I will care
Because I will make you smell my underwear
Even though we were acting like little kids
We were having such a good time
Even though we got many stares
Especially because Kazu was wearing a dress
We ran around laughing and giggling
Collecting as much candy as we could
Even eating as we collected!
We saw Ueda and Ryo!
Ueda as a cat and Ryo as a dog
We also saw Nakamaru and Koki
Nakamaru as a witch and Koki as a waiter
Koki looked quite weird heehee!
Kazu even played his queen role when we got home
We played around with the candy
And we got a little hyper
But at the end we cuddled together
And went back to when we could be together like this every day
Not just on holidays
And as I said before
This was the best Halloween ever
And it’s all because Kazu was with me