Title: Moon Crying [Prologue]
Genre: Tragedy, Romance, Smut,
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: YabuHika & YabuNoo
Summary: After constant fights, they break up. Need a feeling of comfort and satisfaction after the break up. He rapes his best friend. After the incident, will there be a happy ending?
A/N: this is for
blozzom_zone :3 this is just the prologue :D
Kota Yabu, 20 years old. Current boyfriend, Kei Inoo. Living with his best friend for 7 years, Hikaru Yaotome. During the day he spends his time in class with Yuya Takaki, his other good friend. During the night he is watching movies, doing homework, and having pillow fights with Hikaru. Every minute he has between classes, homework and pillows, he spends his time with his boyfriend. But recently the couple has been fighting a lot.
Kei Inoo, 20 years old. Current boyfriend Kota Yabu. Living with Yuya Takaki. During the day he goes to classes by himself and at nights he spends his time studying or talking on the phone with Yabu when they aren’t busy. Whenever time is available, he spends his time with his boyfriend walking around or just having fun. But somehow they haven’t been getting along so well.
Hikaru Yaotome, 19 years old, currently single. [But he has a slight crush on his roommate/best friend] Living with his best friend of 7 years, Kota Yabu. During the days he goes to classes right under his senpai [Kota and Kei] trying his best to make in in the top class. Also, during the night he watch movies, have pillow fights during the movies and is being tutored by Kota in certain subjects. Nobody knows about his crush on Kota besides him